Ud med de døde, svar på spørgsmål om neonikotinoider og bien Maja

På Drøsselbjerg ser 'superstadet' sådan ud. Jeg vovede at løfte de  to magasiner af og tjekke, hvor mange døde bier.
Ikke voldsomt.

Vokssmulder og døde bier

Der lå flere under dækpladen. Måske 1000 døde bier?

Og så er der endelig svar på spørgsmålet om brug af neonikotinoider.
Der kom aldrig svar fra Christel Schaldemose eller Margrethe Auken. Men Rina Ronja Kari svarede , via en ansat, Maja Aslett-Rydbjerg, efter få dage sådan:

Rina Ronja Kari har bedt mig om at assistere i forbindelse med dit spørgsmål. Da jeg ikke er inde i detaljerne i den konkrete sag, har jeg bedt min kollega i landbrugsudvalget om hjælp. Du finder hans svar nedenfor (på engelsk):

In April 2013, based on reviews by EFSA, under the precautionary principle, the Commission announced a two-year ban on the use of three insecticides in the neonicotinoid group starting from December 2013 in the whole EU. Only the UK government has temporarily lifted a ban on neonicotinoid insecticides in certain parts of the country already in July 2015.

The EU wide ban expired in December 2015. However, the restrictions on the use of neonicotinoids remain in place while Commission is carrying out a review on the use of those insecticides. Which basically means farmers still cannot use insecticides across the EU, unless the national government asked for an opt out (in 2013 Denmark voted in favour Commission's proposal in the Council). Depending on the outcome of this review, the Commission will propose, if justified, to further modify the conditions of approval of the three neonicotinoids and/or extension of the ban. Latest moves from Commission on the subject was that it requested the EFSA to completely review the risk assessment scheme and methodology for effects of plant protection products on bees. It basically means that EFSA in the coming months will examine the scientific information on those insecticides, in order to advise the Commission whether or not to maintain the ban. It is planned for scientists to finish their risk evaluation by the end of January 2017. There is still no formal announcement from the Commission that the review is underway, but the Commission said that it would not necessarily lead to any changes to the law.

Oversat betyder det noget i retning af, at Dk stadig er omfattet af forbud mod de tre nævnte plantegifte. Der er fortsat undersøgelser i gang og der forventes en rapport januar 2017. Om det fører til et generelt forbud er ikke afgjort.

Og så er der kommet en 'bi-film' op i biograferne om bien Maja. Kunne godt være en jeg skulle lokke ældste barnebarn med til.
